That time of year in Fort Collins when costumes and bikes collide. We mixed it up a little this year and took our bikes and goodies over to City Park to watch the parade instead of ride (walk our bikes) in the parade. It was a morning packed with friends and a lot of "high-fives" given out to the riders as they went by.
Guess who found the doughnuts?? Doesn't Tyden look busted...
The parade is getting started!!
The boys giving out high fives and shooting water guns at the parade participants.
Kat and Amy jumped in the parade for a few minutes...
In action, well actually we were at a complete stop where the parade becomes more of a stand still.
The Morris Girls
Bode on the bubbles.
Tyden loved the tiara!
Biker Babe-Kaya
Super cute Jack!
Laneys and Jayroes
(yes the ladies planned on matching with homemade tutus & tiaras but the boys came matching by complete accident!)

Tour de Fat comes to an end...
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