Thursday, September 19, 2013

Retro Gum

Products come and go on a daily basis. There was one gum that I use to love as a kid and remembered everything about from the commercials to the sweet sugary gooey inside but couldn't remember the brand name. I had tried to explain this gum to people in the past but nobody knew what I was talking about...
It came in a square tube with square pieces of gum and when you bit into it, flavored, sweet, gooey center created a burst of freshness while chewing. The other day, I was at The Cupboard, in there small candy section...there was the gum!
I know it is just gum but it is like having a song stuck in your head...I finally remembered the name! 

I found a link to a commercial that I remembered for the gum and just had to attach it...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Flood September 2013

The past week has been emotional and stressful for so many. I feel so lucky to be warm and dry in Fort Collins, Colorado. The worst we had to go through in Northern Fort Collins was that the bridges that went of the Poudre River were closed most of Friday, which meant I was stuck in a mile radius area. This caused a lot of separation in Fort Collins and a few pre-evacauations of a couple of neighborhoods, but all are okay for the most part. Throughout the past several days, we watched it rain for hours on end but thankful we are safe and have the ability to help others around us.

Although we are dry and okay, this is not the same for so many Coloradans so near to me.There were many towns effected from the recent rains and flooding and there are so many pictures that I could share but thought attaching links to slideshows and statistics that would offer more information.
Click link below for photos around the Front Range area.
Photos courtesy of Denver Post

The devastation of Estes Park hits the closest to me since Jeff and I lived there for over a decade. We have many memories and friends there that will be forever be changed. Jeff and I met in Estes Park 16 years ago. We moved away but couldn't stay away. We called Estes Park home from 1999 to 2008 before moving to Fort Collins in 2008 to now. Our jobs were at very popular locations which to my knowledge will be okay but are in the cleanup phase, trying to open/prepare for locals.
I am attaching a link to information about Estes Park and the community.

Highway 34 that takes you from Loveland to Estes Park has take a huge hit during this flood. It is so hard to think about how many times I drove that road. I lived in Estes Park but went to school in Fort Collins and Greeley for four years and I got to know that road so well. A few years later, I moved to Fort Collins but kept working at Ed's Cantina, so I drove that road for a couple of more years. I remember sitting through construction delays, tourists, and just the average commuter. Once, I was even pulled over for road rage because I was so eager to get home. Now there will be a new normal as patience will be needed to travel to Estes Park in whatever way is available.
Click below to view a slideshow of the damage.

If you want to know how to help, follow this link:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Tour de Fat 2013 (August 31, 2013)

That time of year in Fort Collins when costumes and bikes collide. We mixed it up a little this year and took our bikes and goodies over to City Park to watch the parade instead of ride (walk our bikes) in the parade. It was a morning packed with friends and a lot of "high-fives" given out to the riders as they went by.

Baldwin family (and Bode) are ready!
 Guess who found the doughnuts?? Doesn't Tyden look busted...
The parade is getting started!!
 The boys giving out high fives and shooting water guns at the parade participants.

 Kat and Amy jumped in the parade for a few minutes...
In action, well actually we were at a complete stop where the parade becomes more of a stand still.

 The Morris Girls
 Bode on the bubbles.
 Tyden loved the tiara!
 Biker Babe-Kaya
 Super cute Jack!
 Laneys and Jayroes 
(yes the ladies planned on matching with homemade tutus & tiaras but the boys came matching by complete accident!)

Tour de Fat comes to an end...